Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When I set up a concept for a photo shoot, you can bet I'm seeing something in my mine's eye that will soon find it's expression in a tangible image. I don't mean to make this sound like a simple task. It takes planning and re-thinking and creative ideas that parallels the complexity of the original thought. Hours of planning, even days, can go into a photo shoot; not to mention all the other extras necessary to make it come to pass.
Lately, I've come across two dresses that stopped me in my tracks and beckoned I buy them. Good for me the price was very reasonable, but who will wear these dresses? The search was on to find two lovely young women who not only fit into the dresses, but would compliment them as well.
My mainstay place to search for models is 'Facebook'. Most photographers enjoy searching, Model Mayhem, where professional models are listed looking for all kinds of work. I've never used the service myself, and I'm not sure if I will because, I'm looking for a certain naivete in my model's posing and facial expression, not a professional perfunctory stare. Although I'm looking for a finished polished look at the end of the shoot, I'm not looking for an experienced model, at least not this time around.
So to Facebook I went in search of finding my models. Now the challenge with Faceb
ook is having credibility with people who aren't familiar with you. Not everyone will respond to an arbitrary ad, so getting my hopes up for a quick response was something I've learned not to expect; but a friend of a friend by word of mouth I counted on. And sure enough after a few postings of my ad messages and email began to arrive.
I had the pleasure of meeting two lovely people who are energized to pose in my photo shoots.
My first photo shoot was the, tulle ballerina skirt; and my model was the graceful, petite, Amanda Burkhalter. She is young, energized, beautiful with a mysterious quality in her expressions. Perfect! I love mystery. I love that unexpected element of perplexity that is thought provoking. It was the necessary ingredient that made the photo shoot a success. The funny thing about choosing Amanda for the ballerina skirt shoot was, Amanda, doesn't know anything about ballet. She never took dance; Amanda is more comfortable around horses! She grooms and rides them; so my next photo shoot with Amanda, and Bailey her sister, will be at the stables. Another funny tidbit, Bailey the younger sister, is the dancer in the family; her ballet examples were gladly welcomed at the shoot.
The next dress will be worn by, Jamie Paisley. She will pose in my, '1920's' photo shoot that is schedule for May 4th. Can't wait, so exciting.
If you would like to model in one of my photo shoots email: I'd love to hear from you.
Simply Dorine