Sunday, October 26, 2014


St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Macon, Ga.
The first time I saw St. Joseph's Catholic Church was during the Cherry blossom Festival in Macon. The day we chose to go it rained and close the festival down early. As we drove through Macon I spotted the most beautiful majestic church building on a hill. I made my husband stop and almost jumped out before the car came to rest with camera in hand and drizzling rain outside I did the best I could to shelter my camera as I took pictures of this amazing building. I posted those pictures in an earlier, Picture This~ blog.
When I got home and googled the church I recognized it immediately. The interior pictures on the website were gorgeous beyond my expectations, displaying an   ornate interior of milking white walls and gilded accents, marbled floors and stain glass windows from side to side, up and all around.  Beautiful statues and a bronze baptismal that shimmers like gold. In the far back of the sanctuary is the balcony that host the pipe organ, and the biggest round stain glass window that's catches the sunrise.

Recently I met, Adrienne and Shane, a couple who is getting married at St. Joseph's Catholic Church this month.
 I don't have to tell you how excited I was to hear that. In preparing for the wedding I made a trip with my husband to check the layout of the church and the quality of lighting on the inside. It was almost breathtaking when I open the door and stepped inside. Oh, the sun was shining through one of the domed stain glass windows high up in the ceiling, it was very spectacular. I took a lot of pictures from the one end of the building to the other, from the balcony looking down and from the sanctuary looking up.  I captured every angle, from skimming the tiled floor of the aisle, to standing just behind the baptismal. There wasn't any area you could look at that wasn't beautiful.

Andrienne and Shane will be exchanging nuptials at St. Joseph's, during an evening wedding ceremony, November 7, 2014. Watch for wedding pictures coming soon.
Enjoy the pictures.

Ciao, Pederzani Photography

1 comment:

  1. Really this church is really beautiful. The picture of interior and marbled floor is just awesome. I wish to visit this church with my Husband. We just got married last month at wonderful banquet halls in Chicago. The hall was just superb.
